Treatment Methods and Home Remedies for Neck Pain Relief

Treatment Methods and Home Remedies for Neck Pain Relief

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Neck pain treatments can keep you truly present and in the moment, instead of wincing in pain at the slightest head movement. Looking at a menu at your favourite restaurant, putting the last stitches on that embroidery project, even turning to look at your loved one as they walk through the door after a long day – it all is made difficult when your neck hurts.

Neck pain occurs when there is a tear or strain in any of the muscles, ligaments, nerves, or discs that make up your neck, also known as your cervical spine. Neck pain risk factors include, sleeping in an awkward position, overuse, emotional stress, or injury due to an accident or contact sports. It may also be spurred by arthritis or degenerative disc disease.1

If you’re wondering how to get rid of neck pain, read on.

Medicated treatments for neck pain

Sometimes, medicated treatments for neck pain are the way to go, especially if at the onset of neck pain and if neck pain is particularly hampering your ability to get through the day with a smile on your face.

Over-the-counter pain pills2

Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or paracetomol, can help relieve neck pain.

Anti-inflammatory gels, such as Iodex UltraGel+

which contains a powerful anti-inflammatory NSAID diclofenac that relieves pain, reduces inflammation, and speeds natural healing.3

Muscle relaxants

Your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants short term in order to help resolve your neck pain. 

Steroid injections4

In a small number of cases, your doctor may choose to inject corticosteroids near the nerve root in your cervical spine or directly into the neck muscles in order to relieve severe neck pain. 


Surgery is very rarely needed for neck pain.6 However, in rare cases, it can help relieve nerve root or spinal cord compression.

Home remedies for neck pain

Neck pain treatments can often be performed at home, with neck pain resolving itself within a short time as a result of home remedies.

Try these home remedies for neck pain:

  • Cold or heat7
    Reduce inflammation by applying an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel for up to 20 minutes a day.8  Alternate cold therapy with heat in order to sooth and loosen tight neck muscles. Consider taking a hot shower or applying a heat patch.
  • Stretch
    Gently stretching your neck muscles can keep them from seizing up and causing pain. Gently tilt, bend, and rotate your neck to loosen your neck muscles and keep them limber. 
  • Neck-strengthening exercises
    If you’re looking for ways to get rid of neck pain in the long run, consider performing exercises on a regular basis that strengthen your neck muscles. This can help stave off future neck pain. Poor muscle conditioning is a risk factor for muscle strain.9
    • Sit comfortably with your shoulders back. Clasp your hands gently behind your head. Press your head firmly backward into your hands. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Perform multiple times to build strength.10
    • You can also vary this by moving your head side to side, or up and down, slowly, pausing and slightly stretching at the end of the movement arc.
  • A collar
    Using a neck collar for a short period of time allows your painful muscles and tendons to rest.11
  • Practice good posture
    Slouching and rounded shoulders are signs of poor posture. We’re all guilty of it, whether it’s hunching over your phone or slouching on the couch. Particularly for those of us who sit in front of a computer all day, bad posture can be an especially bad habit. Be sure to practice good posture when you are sitting, standing, and walking in order to remedy neck pain.
Man  celebrating his victory in table football
Woman happily holding her plant on her terrace

Here are some posture tips, when it comes to neck pain:

  • Keep your cervical spine straight, as if an imaginary string is pulling it up towards the ceiling.
  • Pull your shoulders back so they are aligned with your ears. This ensures that the weight of your head is naturally balanced on your cervical spine, instead of straining the neck muscles.12
  • See more tips on good posture
  • Get a good, supportive night’s rest
    Sleep problems increase the risk for a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain.13 So, if your neck is feeling a little sore, be sure to set an appropriate bedtime and stick to it. No less important is making sure you use the proper pillows to keep your neck in alignment with your back while you sleep. Your pillows should maintain your neck vertebrae in a straight line with the rest of your spine.
  • Take it easy
    You know the feeling… You’re worried about an upcoming event and your neck and shoulders feel like a pile of knots. Emotional stress has a way of tensing up the muscles in our back, which can contribute to neck pain.14 If you feel tension building up, see if you can take a night off (is it really worth the impending pain of a sore neck?). Make yourself a cup of hot tea, kick back, and relax.

Iodex products for neck pain

Can you use Iodex on your neck? The answer is yes! Iodex products that can be used to get you turning your head to look at that beautiful sunset (believe us, it’s worth it!) include:


  • Iodex UltraGel+
  • Iodex Rapid Action Pain Relief Spray
  • Iodex Multi-Purpose Pain Relief Balm

Iodex UltraGel +

Tobillera Voltactive - Medidas - Voltadol

Iodex UltraGel+ Pain Relief 2.32% Gel contains 23.2mg/g of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), diclofenac diethylamine ; this concentration means you can apply only twice per day (morning and evening) for all-day pain relief. Our Iodex UltraGel+ Pain Relief 2.32% Gel ingredients are what make it so effective. It contains a permeation enhancer which allows up to 3x more diclofenac to get through the skin.

Iodex Rapid Action Pain Relief Spray

Tobillera Voltactive - Medidas - Voltadol

Iodex Rapid Action Spray consists of 5 active ingredients which are known to reduce internal inflammation and provide targeted relief.

Iodex Multi-Purpose Pain Relief Balm

Tobillera Voltactive - Medidas - Voltadol

Iodex Multi-Purpose Pain Relief Balm contains 5 active ingredients which provides a warming sensation followed by a soothing effect that helps in reducing inflammation. And more importantly, it starts to work within 4 minutes.

Neck Pain Treatment

How does Iodex Ultragel+ work to relieve neck pain

Iodex Ultragel+ works by providing 3x more effective pain relief.15

Iodex UltraGel+ is designed to beat intense pain with triple action:
1. Relieving pain
2. Fighting inflammation
3. Speeding recovery

Iodex UltraGel+ is clinically proven to shorten your recovery time16 and provide targeted relief from pain. Iodex UltraGel+ contains diclofenac, which works by reducing chemicals in your body that cause inflammation. Its Emulgel technology helps the gel to penetrate deep through the skin to enhance delivery of the active ingredient, diclofenac, to the site of pain and swelling, making it an effective pain reliever.

Iodex UltraGel+ Emulgel formulation allows it to permeate the skin 7
times deeper, thus treating the pain at its root. Gently massage
the gel on to the skin of affected area, it penetrates
and provides additional cooling and soothing effect
at the site of pain and inflammation.

How to use Iodex UltraGel+ to relieve neck pain

How to use Iodex UltraGel+ for neck pain – everything you need to know when using Iodex UltraGel+ to combat your neck pain.  

How to use Iodex UltraGel+ for neck pain

Here is how to use Iodex UltraGel+ for neck pain

  1. Open your tube of Iodex UltraGel+
  2. Squeeze out an amount ranging in size from a cherry to a walnut, depending on the size of the affected area
  3. Gently rub into the skin above where you are experiencing body pain
  4. Apply Iodex UltraGel+ as indicated on the label
Iodex UltraGel +

Iodex dosage to relieve neck pain

The Iodex dosage appropriate for neck pain relief depends on the size of the painful area.

Iodex UltraGel+ delivers diclofenac, a highly effective anti-inflammatory, directly to the source of your pain. That’s why a little bit goes a long way. Apply between a cherry and walnut size amount, depending on the size of your affected area.

Dad and child playing in nature

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Explore Iodex’s products for pain relief

Iodex UltraGel +

Tobillera Voltactive - Medidas - Voltadol

Iodex UltraGel+ Pain Relief 2.32% Gel contains 23.2mg/g of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), diclofenac diethylamine ; this concentration means you can apply only twice per day (morning and evening) for all-day pain relief. Our Iodex UltraGel+ Pain Relief 2.32% Gel ingredients are what make it so effective. It contains a permeation enhancer which allows up to 3x more diclofenac to get through the skin.

Iodex Multi-Purpose Pain Relief Balm

Tobillera Voltactive - Medidas - Voltadol

Iodex Multi-Purpose Pain Relief Balm contains 5 active ingredients which provides a warming sensation followed by a soothing effect that helps in reducing inflammation. And more importantly, it starts to work within 4 minutes.

Health, wellness & your pain

Pain is rarely just physical nor is it always solved by taking medicine alone. Iodex is your ally in helping you take more control of your pain journey, from the way to sleep, to what you eat, mental wellbeing and complementary pain relief therapies.